LUPIN, project for April – May 2025, in Fuerteventura, Canary Islands, Spain.
Companies involved: GMV-UK, European Space Agency and other European companies dedicated to the development of the technology of space robotics.
Location search, permits and authorisations, local infrastructure and accommodation, etc.
FASTNAV (Fast autonomous navigation), in Cabanillas, (Bardenas Reales) Navarra, Spain. July 2024.
Companies involved: GMV-UK, with ESA (European Space Agency).
This project aimed to improve the speed reached in the 2023 RAPID rover tests in the same desert area of Navarra, Spain.
Location search, permits and authorisations, local infrastructure and prep of location.
RAPID (Robust and (semi) autonomous platform for increased distances), in Cabanillas, (Bardenas Reales) Navarra, Spain. July 2023.
Companies involved: GMV aerospace and defence, Madrid, in combination with ESA (European Space Agency) and space institutes from Belgium and Greece, and Malaga university, Spain.
In Europe’s largest desert, speed rover testing of one meter per second, 3,6 km/hour for future lunar explorations
Location search, permits and authorisations, local infrastructure and prep of location, organisation of press conference and public demonstration.
CoRob-X (cooperative robots in extreme environments) on Lanzarote, Canary Islands, January – February 2023.
Companies involved: DFKI (German Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence), ESA (European Space Agency) and several other space institutes and robotics departments of European universities.
In this project a large rover lowers a smaller rover into a volcanic cavity which it would explore in preparation for future Moon missions to research possible lunar caves to be used for laboratories, housing, storage etc.
A European scientific research and development project, funded by the EU.
Prep over 2 years, including location search on 3 Canary islands, permits and authorisations, infrastructure and local logistics. Organisation of public demonstration and press conference.
ADE – long range rover testing in Fuerteventura, Canary Islands, 2019-2020 for future projects on Mars and the Moon.
Companies involved: GMV Madrid with ESA (European Space Agency) and DFKI, Germany (German Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence).
Complete 1,5 year prep including local logistics and infrastructure, permits from environmental and local authorities.
Project delayed because of COVID until April 2021 and eventually cancelled because of time limit for European funded science projects.
ProViScout planetary rover testing on the foot of Mt Teide, Tenerife September 2012.
ProViScout stands for Planetary Robotics Vision Scout, and implies field testing of a planetary rover and its instruments in a Mars-like area like the Minas de San Jose on the foot of Mount Teide National Park, in Tenerife.
In this project a number of institutes and universities of 7 different countries participated. Active Connect SL supplied the local support and logistics for this event.
(European Space Agency), October 2008, Foot of Mt Teide on Tenerife.
A competition of 8 European universities to construct a moon rover. The testing was done on the foot of Mt Teide on Tenerife, in a spot called Minas de San José, in harsh night conditions. The area resembled a lunar crater.
Active Connect SL supplied the complete logistics for this event, including all permits, health and safety.